
Saturday, August 31, 2013

September 1 - 7

[1] For Time:
Row 500m
Power Snatches @ 95lbs
Time: 12:23rx
[2]  Wendler 2/4 (C3) - Squats
3x280, 3x300, 3+x315 (9 reps = cal @ 408lbs)
[3]  Smolov Press 4/4
Weight:  10x3 @ 140 (85%)
[4]  3 rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts 275/185#
50 Double-Unders
Time: 4:58rx

[1]  For times:
Run 2400 Meters (1.5 Miles)
Rest until the running clock reaches 16:00, and then…
Run 1600 Meters (1 Mile)
Rest until the running clock reaches 28:00, and then…
Run 800 Meters (.5 Mile)
*Compare to http://b1inkl82.blogspot.com/2013/08/august-18-24.html
*Add the total time of the last set of sprints and compare to total time of this set.
Aug19:  6:13+6:33+6:42=19:28 (goal time to beat)
Sep02:  10:09+6:53+3:17=20:19 (it was even hotter outside today @ 5-6pm)
[2]  Volleyball

[1]  Smolov Press 1/4 (w2)
Weight:  6x6 @ 120lbs (70%+5)
[1]  12 minutes to work to a heavy Hi-Hang Snatch (shoulders even with the bar – start roughly 3-6″ below the hip).
*DO NOT work to a maximal attempt. Focus on speed under, and perfect attempts. NO MISSES.
95, 115, 115, 135, 135, 135 [2]  Wendler 2/4 (C3) - Deadlifts
Weight:  3x315, 3x335, 3+x355 9reps
[3]  5 rounds for total time of:
50 Double-Unders
15 Target Burpees (6″ above highest reach)
5 Power Cleans 185/120#
Rest 1:1
Times:  1:56, 2:15, 2:04, 2:08, 2:27
[4]  Volleyball ***We won our game, but I injured my eye.  From setting the ball, I got one grain of sand/salt in my eye and it caused a 1/2 CM dent/scratch.  Got this removed at the clinic and my eye started to swell up the next day.  They gave me some eye drop medicine to help.

*** My eye still hurts, I didn't get very good sleep at night.  Spent all day in Dubai, UAE visiting the Burj Khalipa - World's Tallest Building, Dubai Mall, Emirates Mall, and CrossFit Lifespark.  I didn't workout at the box, but I did do some skill work.  Did 7 Strict Muscle Ups UB, some rope climbs, and bar muscle ups.  And talked to a Games Athlete: Candice Howe

*** Didn't go to work today, eye still not good.  The night before I didn't get any good sleep.  I tried sleeping throughout the day as much as possible.  In the morning the doctor looked at my eye, drained some saleen to clean it, and put a drop of medicine.  No training.

*** Eye still bothering me a lot.  I didn't sleep very good at all.  Doctor put a saleen drain on my eye for 30 mins and it felt good and refreshed.  Eye sight is not improved, but pain is not as bad.  Went to work today but now I am very tired throughout the day.  The Dr. gave me some ambiene to help sleep later... if i can make it lol.  So tired.

*** Day off:  Eye still sensitive and swollen.  Today I am just trying to spend as much time indoors as possible.  I did go in today for mobility though (and a mental break... I can't stop the itch to train!).  Worked mostly on the front rack mobility and my wrists.  My left wrist, after 2.5 months, is still hurting after maybe pulling/tearing a tendon that connects to the thumb.  As a warmup did 5 rounds with 45lb barbell of: 10 Backsquats, 5 Presses from the back, 10 second bottom squat hold.

Scheduled training for my people:
[1]  EMOM for 5 minutes:
2 Power Snatches @ 75% of 1rm Power Snatch.
[2]  EMOM for 5 minutes:
2 Power Clean & Jerks @ 75% of 1rm Power Clean.
[3]  For time and reps:
5:00 ME KB Snatches 24/16kg (apportion anyhow)
250 Double Unders

[1]  12 minutes to establish a 3rm Push Press.
[2]  Wendler 2/4  -  Front Squats
[3]  5x500m Row
*All sets should be performed at roughly 90-95% RPE. Rest 30 seconds between sets. During the rest intervals stay on the erg and keep the flywheel spinning slowly. The goal is to maintain pace +/- 5 seconds on all sets.


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