
Sunday, October 27, 2013

27 October - 2 November

[1]  10 Mins, every 2 mins:  (5 rounds)
3 Snatches @ 145lbs
1 Rope Climb
 - Rest 2 mins, then - 
[2]  10 Mins, every 2 mins:  (5 rounds)
1 Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance @ 165lbs
3 Muscle Ups
 - Rest 10 mins, then - 
[3]  With a partner:
5 Rounds
1 Lap with a 115lb Atlas Stone  (we tried 2 laps for the first 2 rounds, way toooo much)
50 Double Unders
- Switch with partner every round -
*As partner is working, must hold a plank position.
Time:  19:56rx

[1]  SQ PT
24x20m Sprints (1:1)
[1]  Hatch Wk5 D1
Back Squat: 1x8@65%, 1x6@75%, 1x4@85%, 1x4@90% - rest as needed.
8x235, 6x275, 4x315, 4x330
Front Squat: 1x5@70%, 1x4@80%, 1x3@85%, 1x3@90% - rest as needed.
5x225, 4x255, 3x265, 3x285
[2]  For time, reps of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Toes to Bar
Ring Dips
Kettlebell Swings @55lbs
Time:  8:27rx

[1]  Soccer Game (1hr)
Score: Win (3-2)
*Start of Intramural Indoor Soccer.  10 Games plus single-Elim tourney.
[2]  For Time:
25 Back squats @ 135lbs
50 Pushups
25 Front squats @ 115lbs
50 Pullups
25 Overhead Squats @ 95lbs
 Time: 8:23rx

[1]  3X3 Snatches + 3 OHS @ 80% of 1RM Snatch (complete 3 Snatches, then – without dropping the bar – complete 3 OHS) – rest 2:00
Weight:  155, 155, 155. *Feel really good with these even when my shoulders are smoked from day prior.
[2]  3X1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 2 Push Jerks @ 75%-80% of 1RM Clean & Jerk – rest 2:00
Weight:  185, 185, 185, 205, 205, 205 *Wrist still healing, so I didn’t do the Push Jerks.
[3]  10 GHD Situps + 10 GH Raises
*I ran out of time to workout, needed to go to a Halloween event with Eli.

[1]  Untimed:
21-15-9 GHD Situps
5 Muscle Ups (UB) after each GHD Situp round
[2]  5x1 3-Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, Hip) @ 85% - rest as needed
Weight:  135, 155, 135, 135, 135, 145
[2b]  4x5 Weighted Pullups – heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.
[3]  4 Rounds for time:
250m Row
15 Wallballs @ 20lbs
Time:  6:24rx
[4]  4 Rounds Untimed:
5 Muscle Ups
10 GH Raise

4 Tempo Pendlay Rows (2 count pause at the top) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
*Ran out of time:  Time to go do Halloween with Family!

[1]  SQ PT
Run 1.5 Miles
Score:  10:14 (1.5mile) & 2:48(800m)
*Jogged the 1.5mile at a 7:20mile pace.  Then ran quickly the 800m.  Goal was well under 3:00mins.
[1]  Coaching!

[1]  3 Rounds, time each round separately:
15 C2B Pullups
50 Double Unders
- Rest 3-4 mins after each round
Times:  :43, :45, :47
*Goal:  (These are sprint sets, you’re going to have to be quick as well as unbroken to give yourself an edge on other athletes . . . this is your chance to practice how to do that when the workout includes elements that most athletes can do unbroken. Are there ways you can speed up your pull-ups or double-unders without losing rhythm if you are required to do so in competition?)
[2]  Hatch Wk5 D1
Back Squat: 1x6@65%, 1x6@75%, 1x6@80%, 1x6@80% - rest as needed.
6x235, 6x275, 6x295, 6x295
Front Squat: 1x5@60%, 1x5@65%, 1x5@70%, 1x5@70% - rest as needed.
5x195, 5x205, 5x225, 5x225
[3]  5 rounds for time (CF.com):
10 Wallclimbs
10 Toes 2 Bar
20 Boxjumps @ 24"
Time:  18:44rx
[4]  5 Rounds for time:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 OHS @ 95lbs
1 Rope Climb @ 15'
Time:  3:48rx

Monday, October 21, 2013

20 - 26 October


[1]  Hatch Wk4 D1
Back Squat: 1x8@65%, 1x8@70%, 1x6@80%, 1x6@85% - rest as needed.
8x235, 8x255, 6x295, 6x315
Front Squat: 1x5@70%, 1x5@75%, 1x5@80%, 1x5@85% - rest as needed.
5x225, 5x235, 5x255, 5x265
*OMG... today these squats felt soooo heavy.  I need to make sure I'm hydrated & eating enough.
[2]  3 Rounds for time:
500m Row
15 Bench Presses @ 155lbs
Time:  9:23rx
*Game plan: 1:50-1:54 on rowing.  Reps of 6-5-4 on bench presses.  This worked great till the 3rd round.  I tried to go all out on the bench press and made it to rep 8 exhausted.  After that it took me 3 more sets to complete.  I need to not get too excited and just stick to the plan.  Overall, very fun WOD.
[3]  Skill:  5 UB Bar Muscle Ups [completed].

[1]  5x3 Snatch from blocks (above the knee) @ 85% -Rest 60-90 secs.
Weight:  135, 135, 155, 155... did 4 sets, forgot it was 5
[2]  4x4 Snatch Pull to Hips - Heaviest possible, rest 60 secs.
Weight:  185-185-205-205
[3]  5 Rounds for time:
1 Clean
3 Hang Cleans
5 Front Squats
7 Burpees
9 Knees to Elbows
Time:  7:01rx
[4]  Max weight for the above complex (UB). 1 Clean + 3 Hang Clean + 5 Front Squats
Weight: 135, 165, 185
[5]  Skill:  9 UB Bar Muscle Ups [completed].

[1]  7 Rounds for time:
8 Boxjumps @ 30inch
4 Strict HSPU
8 C2B Pullups
Time:  5:42rx
[2]  Alternating rounds with partner, rest only when partner is working (untimed)
4 Rounds
5 UB Muscle Ups (Handstand Walk 20 feet)
5 Atlas Stone to Shoulder @ 115lbs
10 GHD Medball Situps @ 14lb

[1]  5x2  Clean & Jerk from blocks (above the knee) @ 80% - Rest 1:30-2:00
Weight: 185, 205, 185, 185, 185, 185
[2]  3x5 Good Mornings - heaviest possible, rest 60 secs
Weight:  95, 95, 95
[3]  3x5 Push Press 4x5 Weighted Ring Dips + ME Ring Dips - heaviest possible, but same weight for all 3, rest 60 secs
Weight:  35--> 1:5, 2:5, 3:1, 4:3
[4]  3x8 Bent Over Row - heaviest possible, rest 60 secs
Weight: 95, 115, 135
[5]  7 rounds (rest 1:1)
Walk 30 feet, 3 HBBS, return 30 feet @ 245lbs
30 Double Unders
30 sec ME row (meters)
rest 1:1 (averaged to 90 sec rests.

[1]  Hatch Wk4 D2
Back Squat: 1x8@65%, 1x8@75%, 1x8@85%, 1x8@90% - rest as needed.
8x235, 8x255, 8x275, 8x295
Front Squat: 1x5@60%, 1x5@65%, 1x5@70%, 1x5@70% - rest as needed.
5x195, 5x205, 5x225, 5x225
[2]  4 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts @ 225lbs
20 Wallballs @ 20lbs
30 Double Unders
Time:  8:10rx
*Not 100%, after round 1 I was out of breath and could hardly do the wallballs.
**Afterwards I tried a couplet of muscle ups and snatches 135lbs and couldn't do the snatches.

[1]  BHCF Halloween WOD 2013
For time:
10 Burpee Pullups
31 Power Snatches @ 95/65
10 Goblet Squats w/ a pumpkin
31 Toes 2 Bar
10 Boxjump Overs @ 30/24"
31 Deadlifts @ 185/125
Run 400m w/ a pumpkin held Overhead
Run Backwards 400m w/ a pumpkin in hands
10 Deadlifts @ 185/125
31 Boxjump Overs @ 30/24"
10 Toes 2 Bar
31 Goblet Squats w/ a pumpkin
10 Power Snatches @ 95/65
31 Burpee Pullups
Time:  39:48rx (in Costume)
[2]  For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
10-8-6-4-2  Power Cleans @ 155lbs
Time:  6:31rx

Monday, October 14, 2013

13 - 19 October

Recovery Day:  Hike MHill with Cari & Eli.  2-3 hours long @ 4 miles.
Just a nice easy hike to get used to breathing the elevation again, and to be outside with the family.

[1]  Eight  Five sets of:  (did 5 instead of 8... forgot that it was 8 when I was already doing part 2)
Snatch x 1.1.
(rest 10 seconds between each single)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Weight:  155, 155, 165, 165, 175
[2]  Five sets of:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull   Weight: 195 (did 8 sets of snatch part because I skipped above)
Rest 60-90 seconds
Toes to Bar x 10 Reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
[3]  4 Rounds for total working time:
Row 500m
15 Burpees to 6" target
40 Double Unders
Rest 1:1
Time: 14:35rx (Round 1: 3:21) (Round 2: 3:29) (Round 3: 3:41) (Round 4: 4:04)

[1]  Hatch Wk3 D1
Back Squat: 1x8@65%, 1x8@70%, 1x6@80%, 1x6@85% - rest as needed.
8x235, 8x255, 6x295, 6x315
Front Squat: 1x5@60%, 1x5@70%, 1x5@75%, 1x5@80% - rest as needed.
5x195, 5x225, 5x235, 5x255
[2]  "Open 11.5"
5 Power Cleans @ 145
10 Toes 2 Bar
15 (20reps) Wallballs @ 20lb to 10'
AMRAP 20 minutes
Score: 9rounds + 5 reps
*I messed up... haha.  I accidently did 20 wallballs per round instead of 15.  If calculating in all the extra reps and the rest times during reps 14-20, I may have had an extra 2-3 minutes to spare.  
*But I'll take it as is.  This is training, not competition.

[1]  "Partner WOD"
Team of two, perform the following
40 Double Unders
30 Situps
20 Pushups
10 Burpees
250m Row
AMRAP 15mins
Score:  5+44rx  (Jeremy and I as a team, we got best score of the day!)
"Only one partner can be working at a time. If one is working, the other must rest, and vice versa.
Each exercise must be completed in its entirety before the team alternates who is working and who is resting. After the exercise is completed, they switch."
[2]  Alternating with Partner:
5x Farmer's Carry down and back w/ 185lbs per hand.
Alternate each round with partner.

[1]  5 Rounds:
2 Pause Hang Clean Pull + 1 Pause Hang Clean
Weight:  165, 185, 205, 225, 225, 225.
[2]  Wendler wk1 - Axle Bar Deadlifts
[3]  3 Rounds for time:
10 Bench Press @ 155lbs
15 KB Swings @ 54lbs
Time:  3:39 Unbroken
[4]  20x KB Pistols @ 54lbs (per leg)
[5]  Muscle Up Practice.

[1]  3 rounds not for time:
5 Muscle Ups - UNBROKEN
10 GHD Situps
5 Triple Unders  !!!  *I got 4 UNBROKEN!
[2]  5 Sets of:
Snatch Balance + OHS
~ Rest 2-3 minutes.
Weight:  185, 185, 185, 185, 185
[3]  3x3 Snatch Balance @ 80% of 1RM from above ~rest 60 seconds
Weight:  155
[4]  3x3 Snatch Pull from Boxes at Bottom of Knee @ 110% of max Snatch ~rest 60 seconds
Weight:  205
[5]  Hatch Wk3 D2
Back Squat: 1x10@60%, 1x10@65%, 1x8@70%, 1x8@75% - rest as needed.
10x225, 10x235, 8x255, 8x275
Front Squat: 1x5@60%, 1x5@65%, 1x5@70%, 1x5@70% - rest as needed.
5x195, 5x205, 5x225, 5x225
[6]  30 mins Mobility!

[1]  3 rounds not for time:
5 Muscle Ups - UNBROKEN
5 HSPU on Parallettes
5 Triple Unders 25 Double Unders *Was not getting the triples today... not even one!
[2]  15 mins establish 1RM Hang Snatch
Weight:  135x3, 155, 165, 175, 185, 185 *Did 185 twice 'cause the first one was ugly... pulled 195 and was like "Nope."
[3]  3 sets of Hang Snatch:  3x1@80%, 2x1@90%, 1x1@95% of today's max Hang Snatch
Weights:  155x3, 165x2, 175x1 -- 155x3, 165x2, 175x1 -- 155x3, 165x2, 175x1
*Wow!  So much volume.  I can't believe I matched my PR from a hang AND did all the work after!
*Afterwards, I tried to pull 205 for a clean and had no strength left.  Lower back is fried.
[4]  5 rounds untimed:
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 Pistols
*Approx. 90secs per round.
[5]  Death by Doubleunders Unbroken
First minute do 10 reps
Second minute do 20 reps
*Add 10 reps each minute till you can no longer finish the double unders or you fail at UB.
Score:  6 rounds + 49 reps (Round 6 is 60 reps, then made it to 49 of 70 reps of round 7)
*Round of 50 & 60 were done at 22 & 28 seconds.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

29 September - 12 October

*This post is 2 weeks long due to a few days of traveling back to the 'Merika. 

"CrossFit Total 2"
[1] Clean, 1 rep. 245, 255, 265, 265, 265.
[2] Bench press, 1 rep. 225, 245, 255, 265
[3] Overhead squat, 1 rep. 185x3, 205, 225, 225
*Clean is from the ground, power or squat.
Total: 715lbs

Recovery:  Volleyball Tournament
We are the Champions. Undefeated!

[1]  15 minutes to establish a 3RM Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS (1 rep = 1 SN + 1 Hang-SN + 1 OHS).
Weight:  115-125-135 *Note:  3RM is 3 sets of the complex.  1 Rep equals one time through.  No regrip on ground, must maintain grip for all 9 movements.
[2]  Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS: 1X1@90%, 1X@95%, 1X1@100% of 3RM from #1 (perform ONE rep of 3RM from #1 at the listed percentages)
Weight:  135-145-145 *Note:  These are ONE Rep from above
[3]  For Time:
Altnerating between.
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
5-4-3-2-1 Snatch @ 145lbs
Time:  6:38rx
[4a]  3x3 Snatch High Pull @ 100%-110% (of max Snatch) up to sternum height - rest 60 sec. 165lbs
[4b]  3x10 GHD Hip Extension - rest 60 sec
Alternate between each movement.
[1]  Hatch Squat Wk1 Day1
Back Squat: 1X10@60, 1X8@70%, 1X6@75%, 1X4@80% - rest as needed.
10x225, 8x255, 6x275, 4x295 (all down/up no rest)
Front Squat: 1X5@60, 1X5@70%, 1X5@70%, 1X5@70% - rest as needed.
5x185, 5x225, 5x225, 5x225
[2]  Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
 5 Strict Pull-Ups (ladies - 3 reps)  (all unbroken)
 Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max reps  (1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, on parallettes)
[3]  Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
 8 Pull-Ups (any style kip is fine)  (all unbroken)
 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps  (4, 5, 3, 3, 3, 4, on parallettes)
[4]  Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
 Even Minutes: 5 Power Cleans @ 65% or your 1-RM Clean  @165lbs
 Odd Minutes: Row 200 Meters
* Phases 2-4 should take no more than 25 minutes - use no more than 1 transition minute between the phases.
Phase 3 was very challenging to stick with it at the end and not give up.

Six sets of: 2-Position Clean (just above the knee, and then below the knee – approximately 2″ from the ground, pause for 1 full second below the knee before the second clean) Rest 2-3 minutes
Six sets of: 2-Position Clean High Pull (just above the knee, and then below the knee – approximately 2″ from the ground, pause for 1 full second below the knee before the second clean pull) Rest 2-3 minutes Weight: @ 245lbs
Three rounds for time:
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg) 40kg/88lbs
10 Box Jumps (30″/24″)
(Russian swings – only to shoulder height)
Time:  6:28rx
Rest 5-7 minutes, and then . . .
Four sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of Wall Ball Shots
60 seconds of Rest
(Challenge yourself to get as far north of 100 reps as possible.)
Score:  120 Reps Total.  each round 30 Reps, @30secs I was at 17 reps each time.

Recovery Day:   Volleyball/BBQ with replacements.

[1] Hatch Squat Wk1 Day2
Back Squat: 1x50 @ 225lbs.   Time:  3:51 UNBROKEN!
Front Squat: 1X5@60, 1X5@65%, 1X5@70%, 1X5@70% - rest as needed.
5x195, 5x205, 5x225, 5x225
*Rest about 20mins (coaching first wave of people).  Then...
[2]  Two Part for time:
Reps of 50-40-30-20-10
- Double Unders
- GHD Situps
Time:  13:46rx
~1 Min Rest
Reps of 21-15-9
- One arm Dumbbell Power Snatches @ 25kg (Alternating)
- Pullups
Time:  6:20rx
Total Time:  20:26rx
[3]  Skill:  Bar Muscle Ups

[1]  Partner WOD (groups of 3)
9 Rounds for time (9 total/3 per partner)
Alternating each movement 1 at a time:
- Run 400m
- 7 Power Snatches @ 135lbs
- 14 Box Jump Overs
- 7 Floor Whipers
Time: 28:17rx

[1] Hatch Squat Wk2 Day1
Back Squat: 1X10@60, 1X8@65%, 1X6@70%, 1X6@75%, 1X6@80% - rest as needed.
10x225, 8x235, 6x255, 6x275, 6x295
Front Squat: 1X5@60, 1X5@70%, 1X5@75%, 1X5@75% - rest as needed.
5x195, 5x225, 5x235, 5x235
[2]  For Time:
Reps of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of Tire Flips @ about 350lbs
After each round:  1 Round of "Cindy"  (5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Air Squats)
(example: 10 Tire Flips, 1 Cindy, 9 Tire Flips, 1 Cindy... 1 Tire Flip, 1 Cindy)
Time:  13:26rx  @365lb tire

Tuesday:  flying
Wednesday:  flying
Thursday:  recovery

[1]  Hatch Squat Wk2 Day2
Back Squat: 1X10@60, 1X8@70%, 1X8@75%, 1X8@80% - rest as needed.
10x225, 6x255, 6x275, 6x295
Front Squat: 1X5@60, 1X5@65%, 1X5@70%, 1X5@70% - rest as needed.
5x195, 5x205, 5x225, 5x225
[2]  1 RM of:  Clean + Hang Clean
165, 185, 205, 215, 225 *Catching these with one arm out.  Wrist still hurts, but still impressive and fast!
[3]  3 Rounds of:
 In 3 minutes, perform:
10 Cleans @ 165lbs
AMRAP Pullups
(round 1: Strict Pullups), (round 2: C2B pullups), (round 3: regular pullups)
Score:  78 Pullups or 108 total reps.
*It feels great to be back!!!
[4]  15 Hip Exetension + 10 GHD Situp + 5 GH Raise

[1]  "Bring Sally Up" Song
With 135lbs barbell, Squat "Up" and "Down" everytime it is said on the song.
Ouch!  Completed.
[2]  5 Sets of:
Power Snatch + Snatch
Rest 2-3 mins between
Weight:  135, 145, 155, 165, 155 *Felt really good on these, the 165 wasn't clean on the power so I did 155 again perfectly.
[3]  Three sets of:
Snatch Pull + 5 reps @ 95-100% 1RM Snatch
Rest 2-3 minutes between
Weight:  195lbs
[4]  5 Rounds for time:
1 Legless Rope Climb
5 Boxjumps @ 40 inches
10 Wallballs @ 30lbs
Time:  8:34rx
*Wow!  I can't believe I did this... First round was done in 54 seconds.

Again... I'm glad to be back in town!