
Monday, October 14, 2013

13 - 19 October

Recovery Day:  Hike MHill with Cari & Eli.  2-3 hours long @ 4 miles.
Just a nice easy hike to get used to breathing the elevation again, and to be outside with the family.

[1]  Eight  Five sets of:  (did 5 instead of 8... forgot that it was 8 when I was already doing part 2)
Snatch x 1.1.
(rest 10 seconds between each single)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Weight:  155, 155, 165, 165, 175
[2]  Five sets of:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull   Weight: 195 (did 8 sets of snatch part because I skipped above)
Rest 60-90 seconds
Toes to Bar x 10 Reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
[3]  4 Rounds for total working time:
Row 500m
15 Burpees to 6" target
40 Double Unders
Rest 1:1
Time: 14:35rx (Round 1: 3:21) (Round 2: 3:29) (Round 3: 3:41) (Round 4: 4:04)

[1]  Hatch Wk3 D1
Back Squat: 1x8@65%, 1x8@70%, 1x6@80%, 1x6@85% - rest as needed.
8x235, 8x255, 6x295, 6x315
Front Squat: 1x5@60%, 1x5@70%, 1x5@75%, 1x5@80% - rest as needed.
5x195, 5x225, 5x235, 5x255
[2]  "Open 11.5"
5 Power Cleans @ 145
10 Toes 2 Bar
15 (20reps) Wallballs @ 20lb to 10'
AMRAP 20 minutes
Score: 9rounds + 5 reps
*I messed up... haha.  I accidently did 20 wallballs per round instead of 15.  If calculating in all the extra reps and the rest times during reps 14-20, I may have had an extra 2-3 minutes to spare.  
*But I'll take it as is.  This is training, not competition.

[1]  "Partner WOD"
Team of two, perform the following
40 Double Unders
30 Situps
20 Pushups
10 Burpees
250m Row
AMRAP 15mins
Score:  5+44rx  (Jeremy and I as a team, we got best score of the day!)
"Only one partner can be working at a time. If one is working, the other must rest, and vice versa.
Each exercise must be completed in its entirety before the team alternates who is working and who is resting. After the exercise is completed, they switch."
[2]  Alternating with Partner:
5x Farmer's Carry down and back w/ 185lbs per hand.
Alternate each round with partner.

[1]  5 Rounds:
2 Pause Hang Clean Pull + 1 Pause Hang Clean
Weight:  165, 185, 205, 225, 225, 225.
[2]  Wendler wk1 - Axle Bar Deadlifts
[3]  3 Rounds for time:
10 Bench Press @ 155lbs
15 KB Swings @ 54lbs
Time:  3:39 Unbroken
[4]  20x KB Pistols @ 54lbs (per leg)
[5]  Muscle Up Practice.

[1]  3 rounds not for time:
5 Muscle Ups - UNBROKEN
10 GHD Situps
5 Triple Unders  !!!  *I got 4 UNBROKEN!
[2]  5 Sets of:
Snatch Balance + OHS
~ Rest 2-3 minutes.
Weight:  185, 185, 185, 185, 185
[3]  3x3 Snatch Balance @ 80% of 1RM from above ~rest 60 seconds
Weight:  155
[4]  3x3 Snatch Pull from Boxes at Bottom of Knee @ 110% of max Snatch ~rest 60 seconds
Weight:  205
[5]  Hatch Wk3 D2
Back Squat: 1x10@60%, 1x10@65%, 1x8@70%, 1x8@75% - rest as needed.
10x225, 10x235, 8x255, 8x275
Front Squat: 1x5@60%, 1x5@65%, 1x5@70%, 1x5@70% - rest as needed.
5x195, 5x205, 5x225, 5x225
[6]  30 mins Mobility!

[1]  3 rounds not for time:
5 Muscle Ups - UNBROKEN
5 HSPU on Parallettes
5 Triple Unders 25 Double Unders *Was not getting the triples today... not even one!
[2]  15 mins establish 1RM Hang Snatch
Weight:  135x3, 155, 165, 175, 185, 185 *Did 185 twice 'cause the first one was ugly... pulled 195 and was like "Nope."
[3]  3 sets of Hang Snatch:  3x1@80%, 2x1@90%, 1x1@95% of today's max Hang Snatch
Weights:  155x3, 165x2, 175x1 -- 155x3, 165x2, 175x1 -- 155x3, 165x2, 175x1
*Wow!  So much volume.  I can't believe I matched my PR from a hang AND did all the work after!
*Afterwards, I tried to pull 205 for a clean and had no strength left.  Lower back is fried.
[4]  5 rounds untimed:
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 Pistols
*Approx. 90secs per round.
[5]  Death by Doubleunders Unbroken
First minute do 10 reps
Second minute do 20 reps
*Add 10 reps each minute till you can no longer finish the double unders or you fail at UB.
Score:  6 rounds + 49 reps (Round 6 is 60 reps, then made it to 49 of 70 reps of round 7)
*Round of 50 & 60 were done at 22 & 28 seconds.

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