
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 27 - June 2

[1]  4 rounds for time
15 wallballs
15 GHD situps
Time:  5:20 Unbroken
[2]  5 rounds for time
20 double unders
3 snatches @135 (each rep perfect)
10 burpees
3 snatches
Time:  15:38rx.
[3]  Not for time:
Muscle Ups
Overhead squats with 3 sec pause @135

[1]  10X1 Hi-Hang Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
Goal *completed*:  115, 115, 115, 125, 125, 125, 135, 135, 135, 145
[2]  As a circuit:
- 5X2 3-Stop Snatch Pulls – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.  @195lbs
- 5X5 Tempo HBBS @ 70% – rest 60 sec. @255lbs
*Notes: Quick descent, 3 counts (seconds) in the rock bottom, bounce and quick back up.
[3]  Four sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
50 Double-Unders
20 Toes to Bar
Rest 4 minutes
Round Times: 3:29, 3:20, 3:32, 3:34

[1]  Every 40 seconds for 4 minutes:
1 Snatch (full) + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS @ 70% @125lbs
[2]  Every 40 seconds for 4 minutes:
1 Clean (full) + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk 70% @165lbs
*Notes: These should both be completed as a complex, without dropping the bar between movements.
[3]  For time:
15 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 20″
15 Power Cleans @ 135lbs
15 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 20″
30 Front Squats @ 135lbs
15 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 20″
15 Jerks / Push Press @ 135lbs
15 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 20″
Time:  10:54x

AM:  Basketball
[1]  10X1 Hi-Hang Clean + 1 Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
Goal: 185, 185, 185, 195, 195, 205, 205, 215, 215, 225
[2]  As a circuit:
- 5X2 3-Stop Clean Pulls – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec. @225lbs (kept losing grip, so went down in weight from 285...need straps for this)
- 5X5 Front Squats @ 70% – rest 60 sec. @225lbs
[3]  For time alternating between:
Reps of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of HSPU
Reps of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 of Front Squats from floor @ 135lbs
Time: 15:18rx
[4] 6 OH walking lunges @ 135lbs

Rest Day/ Recovery.
[1]  Row 2k at 50-60% effort.  Time:  8:13mins
[2]  45 mins of Solid Mobility:  Barbell Quad Smash, Trap Smash, Couch Sit, Bands, etc...

[1]  EMOM WOD:  turned into sets of 3 rounds...
Every 60 Secs for 3 rounds do 1 set:
-4 Squat Cleans + 4 Front Squats @ 185lbs
Rest 1 Min
Every 60 Secs for 3 rounds do 1 set:
-3 Squat Cleans + 3 Front Squats @ 185lbs
Rest 1 Min
Every 60 Secs for 3 rounds do 1 set:
-2 Squat Cleans + 2 Front Squats @ 205lbs
Rest 1 Min
Every 90 Secs for 4 rounds do 1 set:
-1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat @ 225lbs

[1]  For time:
10 Deadlifts (315/225 lbs)
20 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
8 Deadlifts
16 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
32 Wall Ball Shots
6 Deadlifts
12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
24 Wall Ball Shots
4 Deadlifts
8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
16 Wall Ball Shots
2 Deadlifts
4 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
8 Wall Ball Shots
Time:  ???
[2]  Three rounds for time of:
20 GHD Sit-Ups
50 Double-Unders
Time:  4:52

Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20 - 26

[1]  Team WOD
In teams of 3, perform the following tasks:
4500m row
100 squats
100 situps
100 pushups
50 wallballs (20/14)
50 kb swings (55/35)
AMRAP in 20 minutes
The team’s score is the total reps accomplished (excluding the row).
Score:  1round + 360reps.  4500k Row:  18:34
[2]  Triple Under Practice:  20 Reps is goal.  Score:  23 reps
[3]  As a circuit:
1a) 3X10 Reverse Hypers –  rest 45 sec.
1b) 3XME TTB – rest 45 sec.  sets of 10, 12, 15.  Having trouble with grip...

[1] Not for time, but 90% effort:
4 Rounds of:
- 10 Jumping lunges (5 per side)
- 15 Pushups
- 20 Squats
- Run 2 miles
[2]  For time:
- 25 Wallballs
- 25 Pullups
- 25 Pistols
- 25 DB Power Snatches @ 55lbs
Time:  8:48.  Hands hurt way too much for grip onto pullup bar... did max of 4 at a time.
[1]  7X2 Hi-Hang Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
Weight: 4x115lbs, 3x125lbs
[2]  As a circuit:
- 5X2 3-Stop Snatch Pulls – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.  @ 185lbs
- 5X2 Tempo HBBS @ 85% – rest 60 sec.  @ 275lbs, 285, 295, 305, 305
*Notes: Quick descent, 3 counts (seconds) in the rock bottom, bounce and quick back up.
[3]  EMOTM 20 mins (started at 1:00min mark)
Odd mins (1st min):
5 rounds of 4x185 squat cleans (minutes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
3 rounds of 3x205 squat cleans (minutes 11, 13, 15)
2 rounds of 2x225 squat cleans (minutes 17, 19)
Alternating with Even mins of:
5x95lbs strict press  ***All Unbroken***

[1]  Every 30 seconds for 3 minutes:
1 Power Snatch + 2 Behind-the-Neck Push Presses @ 80% @ 135lbs
*Notes: This should be completed as a complex. The bar should be lowered to the back rack after the Power Snatch, and the Push Presses should be performed with a Snatch grip.
[2]  Every 30 seconds for 3 minutes:
2 (touch and go) Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk @ 75%  @ 175lbs
[3]  AMRAP 9 minutes
500m row  @ 1:54
Followed by:
3 deadlifts (185/135)
3 toes to bar
6 deadlifts
6 toes to bar
9 deadlifts
9 toes to bar
Score:  15 t2b out of 18.
[4]  2x5 OH Walking Lunges @ 135lbs... Holy Crap.

[1]  Volleyball
[1]  5X2 Hi-Hang Cleans + 1 Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
@ 185, 185, 195, 195, 205
[2]  As a circuit:
- 5X2 3-Stop Clean Pulls – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. @ 275lbs
- 5X3 Front Squats @  80% – rest 60 sec. @ 245lbs
*Notes: Straps should be used for 3-Stop Clean Pulls.
[3]  12 Min AMRAP
4 handstand pushups
8 box jumps (30/24)
24 double unders
Score: 8+7 Rounds

[1]  For Time:
40 Burpees
- 1 min plank (feel elevated on KB)
30 Hollowrocks
- 30 sec L-Sit Rings
20 Turkish Getups @ 1.5p KB
- 30 sec plank
10 Wallclimbs
- 1 min L-Sit Rings
Time:  22:15mins

[1]  8 min AMRAP
5 Hang Power Snatches  @ 95lbs
5 Overhead Squats @ 95lbs
Score:  8 Rounds
[2]  30Rep Squat @ 225lbs @2:34mins   ***holy crap...!***

"Murph"  w/ 40 ruck.
Run 1 Mile
100 Pullups  (Chest 2 Bar)
200 Pushups  (Hand Release)
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
Time:  1 Hour 16 Minutes 53 Seconds

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 13 - 19

[1] Deadlifts 3-3-3-3
[2] AMRAP 14 Mins:
- 4 Deadlifts @ 315lbs
- 12 Pushups, Chest 2 Floor
- 36 Double Unders
Time/Score:  8 Rounds @ 13:25. (I had to stop short because of an exercise recall... I could have gotten another 4 deadlifts and 2-5 pushups)

[1]  4 Rounds 90% effort (untimed)
- Run 400m
- 20 Squats
- Run 400m
- 20 Pushups
(2 Miles, 80 squats, 80 pushups)
[1]  7X1 Hang Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
[2]  As a circuit:
- 5x2 3-Stop Snatch Pulls – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. @165lbs
- 5x3 Tempo HBBS @ 80% – rest 60 sec. @275lbs x4, 285lbs x1
*Notes: Quick descent, 3 counts (seconds) in the rock bottom, bounce and quick back up.
[3]  For time:
50 Double-Unders
30 HSPU (reg standard)
20 TTB
50 Double-Unders
15 TTB
50 Double-Unders
10 TTB
Time:  11:25rx

[1]  Every 40 seconds for 4 minutes:
1 Power Snatch + 2 Behind-the-Neck Push Presses @ 80%
*Notes: This should be completed as a complex. The bar should be lowered to the back rack after the Power Snatch, and the Push Presses should be performed with a Snatch grip.
[2]  Every 40 seconds for 4 minutes:
2 (touch and go) Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk @ 75%
[3]  For time:
Reps of 2-4-6-8-10
Power Cleans & Jerk @165
Box Jumps 30inch with 45lb hightemp plate on top
Row 200m after each round (2, 2, row, 4, 4, row,...)
Score: 17:27rx
[4]  Knee Jumps Skill/Strength:  95x3, 105x3, 115x3, 125x1, 135x1
[5]  Skill:  Triple Unders:  +3

[1]  7x1 Hang Clean & Jerk:  205, 205, 215, 225, 235, 235, 205
[2]  As a ciruit:
- 5x2 3-Position Clean Pull @235lbs
- 5x1 1 1/4 Front Squats @255lbs
[3]  4 Rounds for time:
- 5 Strict Ring Dips (I had to muscle up to start each 5 reps)
- 10 OHS @ 95lbs
- 25 Double Unders
Time:  4:29rx
[4]  Skill:  Triple Unders
- +11 total.  Did 2 sets of:  DU-DU-TU-DU-TU-DU-TU-DU

Rest Day - Wing Bunker Exercise with light field gear on during 110 degrees out... then a BBQ.

[1]  Take 12 minutes to work up to atleast 80% Snatch – no more than 7 total reps.
Minimum Goal:  145 to 170lbs
Actual:  155lbs in Nanos
[2]  Take 12 minutes to work up to atleast 80% Clean & Jerk – no more than 7 total reps.
Minimum Goal:  195 to 225lbs
Actual:  225lbs in Nanos
[3]  For time:
Row 500m
9 Burpee MU
20 Push Press @ 115#
Row 500m
7 Burpee MU
15 Push Press @ 115#
Row 500m
5 Burpee MU
10 Push Press @ 115#
Time:  15:34  All Pushpresses UnBroken!
[4]  20 Rep HBBS
Weight:  255lbs
[5]  Triple Unders: Minimum is 10 reps.
Actual: 11 reps  (got 4reps in one sitting)
GOLF TRIP DUBAI!!!  Great day, came back sunburnt though, but well worth it.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6 - 12

[1]  For time:
- Row 500m
- 21 KB (2 KBs) Push Press 24/16kg
- 21 TTB
-- Row 500m
-- 15 KB (2 KBs) Push Press 24/16kg
-- 15 TTB
--- Row 500m
--- 9 KB (2 KBs) Push Press 24/16kg
--- 9 TTB
Time:  12:41  (estimated time... it could be 11 mins.)
[2]  EMOTM for 20 Minutes
Even Minutes:  3x185 Power Cleans
Odd Minutes:  3 Muscle Ups + 3 Dips after (Unbroken)
Complete.  Felt very good on form, and explosively quick.

[1]  2.5 Mile Run.  Did a good fast pace.  Pace was little faster than last time.
[1]  7x1 3-Position Snatch - heaviest possible, rest 60 secs 95lbs, 95lbs, 105lbs, 105lbs, 105lbs, 115lbs, 115lbs
*Notes: Position #1 is the low-hang – approximately 2″ from the floor. Position #2 is the traditional hang (just above the knee), and position #3 is the hi-hang (mid-way down the thigh. All sets should be done without dropping the bar.
[2]  As a circuit:
- 5x3 Snatch First Pulls w/ 3 count pause at the knee - heaviest possible, rest 60 secs 185lbs
- 5x2 Tempo HHBS @ 80% - rest 60 secs 275lbs
*Notes: Quick descent, 5 counts (seconds) in the rock bottom, bounce and quick back up.
[3]  10 Min AMRAP of:
- 6 Parallette HSPU (6" deficit)
- 30 (steps) BB Walking Lunges (front rack) 95lbs
- 60 Double Unders
Score:  2 Rounds + 30 Lunges (then finished out the round)

[1]  Every 30 seconds for 4 minutes:
- 1 Power Snatch + 2 Behind-the-Neck Push Presses @ 75%  @125lbs
*Notes: This should be completed as a complex. The bar should be lowered to the back rack after the Power Snatch, and the Push Presses should be performed with a Snatch grip.
[2]  Every 30 seconds for 4 minutes:
- 2 (touch and go) Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk @ 70%  @165lbs
[3]  EMOM for 5 minutes:
4 Burpee Muscle-Ups   *Did 3 reps instead of 4.  Gym was crowded and the chalk police were out.
-then (rest 2 minutes)-
3 rounds for time of:
Row 400m
5 Muscle-Ups
21 KBS 32kg
Time:  14:30.  Little slow, chalk police out and gym was crowded. Did 1-2 MUs at a time throughout.  Couldn't string no more than 2 MU at a time.  Last round of 32kg KBS was 21 UB.

[1]  Flight PT:  Relay Race + Kickball
[1]  7X1 3-Position Clean + 1 Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
*Notes: Position #1 is the low-hang – approximately 2″ from the floor. Position #2 is the traditional hang (just above the knee), and position #3 is the hi-hang (mid-way down the thigh. All sets should be done without dropping the bar. The Jerk should be performed after the hi-hang Clean.
155x4, 165x3
[2]  As a circuit:
- 5X3 Clean First Pulls w/ 3 count pause at the knee – heavy, rest 60 sec.  @275
- 5X2 1&1/4 Front Squats – VERY heavy, rest 60 sec.  @225x2, 235x3
[3]  For Time, MUST BE UNBROKEN:
- Reps of 21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-10 of Wallballs 20lb
- 10 Toes 2 Bar between each wallball round.
Time: 11:38rx UB.  (Total: 150 Wallballs & 90 Toes2Bar)
[4]  As a circuit, 45 sec rest between each:
- 3x12 Weighted GH Raise, weighted at women's barbell weight
- 3x10 Reverse Hypers.

Rest Day

[1] For time: Row 500m
30 Pistols (alternating)
20 Push Press @ 115/75#
Row 500m
20 Pistols (alternating)
15 Push Press @ 115/75#
Row 500m
10 Pistols (alternating)
10 Push Press @ 115/75#
Time: 11:59  *Average time on Outlaw Way was 12:30.  **The Pistols were so hard!!! Holy Legs!
**Rest 10 mins
[2]  20 Rep squat @ 255lbs
**Rest 5 mins
[3]  As a circuit:
- 3x12 Toes2Bar- rest 60secs *Must be Unbroken
- 3x15 GHD Situps- rest 60secs  *Must be Unbroken

[1]  Three sets for time of:
5 Muscle-Ups
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
Set 1: 2:04
Set 2: 2:20
Set 3: 2:17
*My hands were almost tearing on the C2B pullups... I did regular kipping C2B instead of butterfly because of the bar is too slippery, even with the chalk.
**Muscle Ups Unbroken & nonstop burpee boxjumps
[2]  15-Minute Capacity Test
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Hand-Release Push-Ups
15 Wall Ball Shots 20lb
20 Kettlebell Swings 24kg
Score:  5+19 (9 wallballs).  *Average score on Invictus was 7-8.5 rounds. 
[1]  For Time:
50 Situps
5 Rounds
10 DB Power Snatches, 50lbs, alternating arms (5R, 5L)
10 Handstand Pushups, ABMAT & 45lb plates
50 Double Unders
50 Situps
Time: 17:13

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April 29 - May 5th

Monday:  Rest Day

[1]  2 Mile Run
- Run 1/2 Mile
- 1 Mile of sprint intervals:  8 Rounds of Sprint 100 meters, jog 100 Meters
- Run 1/2 Mile
[1]  7X1 2-Position Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
- Notes: Position #1 is from the floor, Position #2 (without dropping the bar) is the low-hang – approximately 2″ from the floor.
135, 135, 135, 145, 145, 145, 155(fail), 155(fail), 155(fail)
[2]  As a Circuit:
- 2a) 5X3 Snatch First Pulls w/ 3 count pause at the knee – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
- 2b) 5X5 Tempo HBBS @ 75% – rest 60 sec.
- Notes: Quick descent, 3 counts (seconds) in the rock bottom, bounce and quick back up.
a. 215
b. 275, 275x3, 245, 245, 245
[3]  3 Rounds not for time, but no rest:
- 5 Skin the cats
- 30 Double Unders

[1]  3 Rounds of the following:
- Tire flip down the cement pad (100feet)  3 different tires between 3 people.  Each person will use each tire once.  Each tire is a different weight.
-- 10 Flutterkicks
- Lunge back (100feet)
-- 10 Hollowrocks
- Sprint to tire.
Time:  10:20rx
[2]  EMOM for 14 minutes, complete:
First Min:  Deadlift @315lbs x 3 reps & Burpees x 6 reps  Pace:  16-20 secs
Alt Min: 9 Toes 2 Bar
[3]  5x3 Clean High Pulls @ 225

[1]  Flight PT - Basketball
[1]  7X1 2-Position Clean + 1 Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
*Notes: Position #1 is from the floor, Position #2 (without dropping the bar) is the low-hang – approximately 2″ from the floor. The Jerk comes after the 2nd position Clean.
185, 195, 195, 205, 205, 205, 215
[2] As a Circuit:
[a]  4X3 Clean First Pulls w/ 3 count pause at the knee – heavy, rest 60 sec.  275lbs
[b]  4X4 1&1/4 Front Squats – heavy, rest 60 sec. VIDEO DEMO  205lbs
*Notes: Straps should be used for Clean First Pulls.
[3]  6 rounds for total working time of:
- Row 20 Calories
- 15 Burpees
Rest 1:1 for first 3 rounds, then 2:1 for final 3 rounds. (Ratio is WORK:REST.)
Time for each round:  1:50, 1:40, 1:38, 1:40, 1:55, 1:58

[1]  1RM Overhead Squats
175x5, 185x3, 205x1 3sec pause at bottom, 215x1 3sec pause, 225x1 3sec pause, 235x1 3sec pause, 250x1 1sec pause. PR!!! and jerk PR!!!
Previous 1RM - OHS: 225lbs. Jerk: 235lbs.
[2]  For Time: reps of 30-20-10
- Overhead squat (95/63)
- Kettlebell Snatches 54lbs
--do half of KB snatches with one arm then switch. All 15 right then 15 left, then 10 right and 10 left bext round...
Time: 9:36rx. All OHS unbroken!

[1]  3 Rounds for time:
- 50 Double Unders
- 25 Wallballs 2for1
Time: 8:36mins
*Wallballs 2for1 was so difficult:  after the first 10-15, I was doing 4-6 at a time.
(10 Min Rest)
[2]  20 Rep backsquat:  245lbs
(5 Min Rest)
[3]  2 Reps of 225lb Clean.  No working up, start with 225 on the bar.

[1]  Main Site CrossFit WOD:  Sunday 130505
Front Squat 10-10-10-10-10 reps
[2]  "Annie"  for time:  50-40-30-20-10
- Double Unders
- Situps
Time:  6:36